Archive for the ‘Archive’ Category

Savannah Segway Tour

Did a tour in Savannah on a Segway. I want one!!!

Disney World

Went to Disney World and got on all the rides I wanted too – OK, so a big kid at heart.

Kennedy Space Center

Went to the Kennedy Space Center – an absolutely amazing experience.

The Space Shuttle Atlanta on the launch pad for the last ever launch scheduled for 24 February.


Saturn 5 which was the rocket to launch the Apollos. This is over 100m long and is totally overwhelming to look at.


A space suit.

Christchurch Earthquake

There have been a lot of pictures of the devastation, some of which I have shared elsewhere. However, this picture below is different as I think it shows the acceleration and force. I lifted the remote control off the couch about an hour after the quake, and expected to find a clean outline of the remote (dirt flew from everywhere and has totally embedded in the couch).

However, what I found was that not only the outline of the remote, but the buttons had been impressed into the couch. Given that nothing fell on the remote to drive it into the couch, the only explanation was the force of the quake lifted and drove the couch into the remote at such an acceleration that the remote didn’t bounce but became imbedded into the couch!


I am in Bangkok for a workshop. Here are some pics.

The infamous water taxi.


Madame Tussauds – I could have smiled I guess.

Washington Redux I

I am in Washington at the moment and attended the Hershey Car Show. This is huge. Here is a selection of some of the cars.

Washington Redux II

Here are some of the famous monuments.

Washington Monument.


Lincoln Memorial.


The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot.

Washington Redux III

The Hubble Telescope.


One of the Apollo Crafts.


I went to the Holocaust Museum – Chilling. Here is one of the carriages. “As many as 100 victims were packed into a single car. … Frequently, the trains halted for hours or days at a time on side tracks or in stations along the way.”


The Supreme Court.


The Supreme Court.

Empire State Building

Some photos from the Empire State Building – not a bad view!

Washington Redux IV

I went to Madame Tussauds in Washington which displayed all of the Presidents. Here are some …


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